Red Cat /oil on Linen/60"X22"
Ghost of Francis Bacon /oil on Linen/40"X60"
My Body Count ? My Business ! /40"x60" / Oil on Linen
MyNeighborsDog /60"x40" / Oil on Linen
/40"x60" / Oil on Linen
Dirty Sweet/Oil on Linen /60"x60"
Discreet/Oil on Linen/40"x 59"
The Artist Mind /Oil on Linen/60"X52"
Moon Beholders /Oil on Linen/36"x59"
Voyager One /Oil on Linen/60"x40"
Squatters /Oil on Linen/40"x60"
Life Journey /Oil on Linen/90"x60"
Intoxicating Life Of A Pig/Oil on Linen/53"x76"
DIVORCE /Oil on Linen /40"x60"
Life /Oil on Linen /53"x76"
The Argument /casein on mixed media on wood/42"x84"
Andy Was here /oil on canvas 41"x53"
Gunilla Dreams /Oil on Linen /48"x58"
The Night Cincerella Died /OIL on Linen /76"x53"
NUDE/ ROOM 515 /Encaustic on mixed media on wood 46"x56"
Night Bitch/Oil on Linen /40"x60"
Logic /Oil on Linen /60"x40"